Welcome to our consulting company Global Polltraxe Consultants
Global Polltraxe ConsultingGlobal Polltraxe ConsultingGlobal Polltraxe Consulting
(Mon - Friday)
Railways HQ-Naiorbi, Kenya

Results Based Approach

We give the best Services

The ultimate goal for development co-operation providers is achievement of development outcomes and impact: real changes in the lives of beneficiaries in developing countries. Providers and their partners articulate the specific results they will achieve or contribute to in support of these development outcomes. Results frameworks and results-oriented approaches spell out the means to generate and use results information at multiple levels and for multiple purposes, including accountability, communication, direction and learning. Providers face six interrelated challenges in implementing their results-based management approaches:

Goals: linking results to goals and building narratives
Purpose: ensuring Results-Based Management approaches are fit for purpose
Attribution: being realistic about attributing and aggregating results
Ownership: enabling country ownership of results information
Performance: linking results and performance to inform delivery
Culture: enhancing resources to build a learning culture

Our consulting approach prioritizes the results framework and ensures that we deliver clear results and outcomes depending on context and scope of the consultancy.


  • 3111 West Allegheny Avenue Pennsylvania 19132
  • 1-982-782-5297
  • support@consultio.com


View our 2020 Medical prospectus of brochure for an easy to read guide on all of the services offer.